
成立緣起 Background

1976年,一群關心台美關係之熱心人士,有鑒於雙方外交關係可能因時事變遷而發生變化,深感必須預先籌設一民間管道,以便一旦正式關係變化,雙方經濟貿易往來得以繼續維持暢通。當時我經濟部孫部長運璿及美國前財政部長大衛‧甘迺迪遂著手策畫,乃於1976年12月下旬於芝加哥成立「美中經濟協會」(US–ROC Economic Council,後於2002年則變更中英文名稱為美台商業協會US–Taiwan Business Council),推舉大衛‧甘迺迪為會長。而我方工商界亦於1977年2月26日在台北成立「中美經濟合作策進會」(ROC–USA Economic Council,英文名稱亦於1998年4月20日修改為ROC–USA Business Council),選舉張茲闓、辜振甫、王永慶等三十一人為理事,陳啟清、黃綿綿、陳勉修等九人為監事,並推舉張茲闓先生為本會首任理事長。

The ROC-USA Business Council dates back to 1976 when a group of prominent business leaders and other elite in society advocated the establishment of a regular civil channel to promote Taiwan’s bilateral business relations with the USA in case of any drastic change in the diplomatic relations between the two sides. The ROC-USA Economic Council was accordingly established on February 26, 1977, with the full support of former ROC Minister of Economic Affairs Yun-hsien Sun. It was later renamed as the current ROC-USA Business Council in 1998. Its American counterpart, the USA-ROC Economic Council, was founded earlier in December 1976, with former Minister of Finance David Kennedy of the USA as the first Chairman. It was renamed US-Taiwan Business Council on April 20, 1998. Upon its establishment, the ROC-USA Business Council resolved to have a board of 31 Directors and 9 Supervisors.