
成立宗旨 Mission

1 .為會員提供服務,拓展會員人數

2. 蒐集與分析台美雙邊商務往來之最新資訊,並將資訊登載於本會網站上,供會員公司與美國公司尋求商務合作機會時作為參考。

3. 與政府合作,協助台灣民間企業解決在美商業活動中所遇到的問題與障礙,如貿易、投資、技術轉移、技術合作、旅遊資訊及教育資訊等。

4. 與台灣駐美國經貿辦事處、美國在台協會及美國各州政府駐台代表處保持密切聯繫,以促進台灣與美國在貿易、投資、技術轉移、技術合作、觀光資訊及教育資訊等領域之雙邊聯繫。

5. 接待來訪之美國參議員、眾議員、官員及工商代表團。

6. 與美台商業協會保持密切互動,並支援其事務與活動。

1. To provide services to members and expand the council’s membership. 

2. To gather and analyze the latest information relating to bilateral business links between Taiwan and the USA and to post it on the Council’s Website as references for member companies in exploring opportunities for business cooperation with American companies.

3. To work the government in helping private companies in Taiwan tackle the problems and barriers involved with their business activities in America, such as trade, investments, and technology transfer, technical cooperation, tourism information and educational information. 

4. To keep close contact with Taiwan’s economic and trade offices in the USA and the American Institute in Taiwan, as well as the representative offices of individual American state governments in Taiwan, so as to promote Taiwan’s bilateral links with the USA in the areas of trade, investments, technology transfer, technical cooperation, tourism information and educational information. 

5. To receive visiting American Senators, Congressmen, officials as well as business and industrial delegations

6. To keep close interactions with the US-Taiwan Business Council and provide support for its affairs and activities.